If you are remodeling your existing residence or building a brand new home from the ground up, your are going to need a substantial amount of technology and the right infrastructure to support it. Chances are pretty high that your builder or remodeling firm is not going to possess all of the information needed to equip the residence with everything you need and want, in order for your home to deliver the experience you need everyday, all day. Yes, there are plenty of DIY products and services that offer little wireless widgets that play music, provide WiFi, entry access, cameras etc. If you are okay with a bunch of little flashing plug in devices all over your home, then by all means, leave this website and proceed to amazon.com, aliexpress or or monoprice.com. Once there you will find a large number you inexpensive , do it yourself devices that do all sorts of things. On the other hand, if you want solutions that disappear into you living space and are easy to use from a single application or device, then you have come to the right place. Your experience starts with a conversation where we LISTEN to you about your vision of how you would like to use technology in your home. We meet with your builder, interior designer and YOU, the home owner to iron out the details. Next we design your system and deliver a detailed proposal that truly describes what you are purchasing and most importantly, how it will work. Each project is custom tailored to fit your requirements. So, what is custom electronics? It’s delivering a Wi-Fi network that is fast and powerful throughout your residence, audio systems that do not interfere with the interior design, camera systems that well organized and professionally installed and so much more. It’s about integrating the systems into the structure and providing monitoring and service to them that is unsurpassed. That’s what we do.